
By the end of this project, you will be able to write to your micro:bit through the wappsto.com

By the end of this project, you will be able to see if the temperature is over 20 degrees by a smiley on the micro:bit.

Are you sure your plants are not thirsty? 🌱
Let’s make sure they are not drying out with a soil moisture sensor program!
Air pressure 

It’s time to learn about air pressure! 💨Did you know that air pressure changes based on height? ⛰️ Or that it plays a role in keeping planes in the air? 🛫
Remote Alarm Clock⏰
Do you know someone who needs help to get up in the morning?🛌⏰⏲️
Let’s make a Wappsto controlled alarm clock! 🔊🚨
Measure UV light🌞
It’s time to learn about UV light! 🌞
You probably know that too much sun is bad for you, and it is important to use sunscreen outside 🧴🏖️
Costumer counter🧮
Have you ever wondered how many customers are in the store 🧮 or how many people in a room?
Let’s use infrared sensors to keep track! 🎛️🚥
Noise detection🔊
How loud do your surroundings get and how often? 🔊📢🚨 it s time to find out with this Wappsto:bit sound sensor!
Air pressure 

In this project we will work with the BME280 sensor, that gives us a high quality data on the temperature, humidity and air pressure level.
Trash monitor

Isn’t it annoying when a trash bin is overfilled? 🚮
Let’s change that and track when your trash bins need emptying with this trash bin monitoring project!